Club Membership

The Color Country Corvette Club (CCCC) is associated with the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC).

Club Membership dues cover from January 1st to December 31st of the membership year.

Club dues for the following year, for renewing members, are payable on Sept. 15th and are Past Due after November 15th of each year.

New members joining between January 1st and Sept. 14th, inclusive, pay dues at the time they join for the year they join.

New members joining between Sept. 15th and Dec. 31st, inclusive, receive a grace period and pay their new member dues only for the following year.  

However, to become a club member you must own a Corvette.

New Members  The 2024 dues are $100 per couple / $90 per single.

NCCC provides us with liability insurance coverage for all club events and other benefits belonging to this 18,000+ member group of fellow Corvette owners.  Dues are also used to provide new members with a name tag and the quarterly Blue Bars. (Blue Bars is an Official Publication of the National Council of Corvette Clubs, Inc.).

Click on the CLUB EVENTS tab for Calendar and other club activities.